

Wei-Shi Zheng


Cheung Kong Scholar Distinguished Professor


Intelligence SciencE and systEm Lab (iSEE)

Room A603, School of Computer Science and Engineering

Sun Yat-sen University, Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou, P.R. China


-         Associate Dean of School of Computer Science and Engineering

-         Director, Key Laboratory of Machine Intelligence and Advanced Computing, MOE

-         Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship of the United Kingdom

-         IAPR Fellow





Google Scholar

[Research Direction]:
Human-Centric Computer Vision

[Recent Research Focus]:


1.    Human-centric Video Understanding:
(1) Person Re-identification
(2) Action Recognition & Assessment


2.    AI Robotics & 3D Modelling


3.    Machine Learning Algorithms
Weakly Supervised Learning;
(2) Continual Learning
(3) Edge Deep Model Learning

[Main Academic Activity](see all)


1)    Associate Editor/Editorial Board:

-         IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023-Now

-         Pattern Recognition, 2018-Now

-         Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2024-Now


2)    Program Chairs: ICME 2022, PRCV 2023, CCBR 2012/2015/2016


3)    Area Chairs: ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS, BMVC etc.


4)    Track Chair: ICPR 2024


[Recent Teaching](see all)

-          Open Teaching Videos for Linear Algebra @ SYSU

-          Pattern Recognition Centric AI Course@ SYSU

-         AI General Education Courses @ SYSU







[BIO(Service&Award) ]


Teaching & Tutorials]

[Recruitment on Graduate Students]
[Recruitment on Postdoctoral Positions]
[Recruitment on Under-graduate Students]


[About Reference Letter]

[About Undergraduate Thesis]



E-mail: wszheng at ieee.org