I teach maths and data mining in the school.
- Advanced Algebra (in both Chinese and English, first semester)
- Linear Algebra (2+2 international undergraduate program, all in English, first semester)
- Engineering Mathematics (2+2 international undergraduate
program, all in English, second semester)
- Mathematics Comprehensive Training (in Chinese, third semester(for two weeks))
- Data Mining
- Pattern Recognition
Centric AI Course
Link to Slides &Assignments
1) SYSU 学科史通识课-人工智能部分【跨越学科鸿沟,塑造未知文明】
3) 中山大学计算机学院人工智能应用技术系列课程(Pattern Recognition
Centric AI Course)
4) Engineering Mathematics [Chapter-1][Chapter-2][Chapter-3][Chapter-4][Chapter-5][Chapter-6]
5) Advanced Mathematical Applications (数学综合训练)
6) Data Mining:
I have no copyright on the slides provided for data mining here. They were
edited from the Standford University, as indicated in
the slides you downloaded.
[Introduction][Mapreduce][Fast Search][Stream-1][Stream-2][PageRank-1][PageRank-2][Clustering][Advising]
[RecommendationSystem-1][RecommendationSystem-2][Social Networks-I][Social Networks-II][Dimension Reduction]
My friends and
I have ever given six tutorials on person re-identification and sparse coding:
2015: Person Identification [Download PDF]
6. CCF ADL 2015: Person Identification in Large Scale Camera Networks [Download PDF]
5. CVPR 2015 tutorial: distance metric learning for visual recognition (With Jiwen Lu, Weihong Deng, Ruiping Huang)
4. ICCV 2013 tutorial: Sparsity Estimation and Robust Learning: A
Half-quadratic Minimization View. (With Dr. Ran He, Prof. Liang Wang)
3. ICPR 2012 tutorial: Half-quadratic Optimization for Sparsity Estimation and
Robust Learning. (With Dr. Ran He, Prof. Liang Wang) [Download PDF]
2. ACCV 2012 tutorial: Half-quadratic Optimization for
Computer Vision. (With Dr. Ran He, Prof. Liang Wang) [Download PDF]
1. CCBR 2013 tutorial: Person Re-identification.[Download